Some Narcissistic Red Flags:A

Red flags are warning bells that go off internally that lets you feel something is wrong. At the start of every relationship people are usually putting their best foot forward. After a few months most people begin to relax more and we can get a better view of who a person really is.

When dating a narcissist there are early warning signs, some are subtle and if not aware you may write those off. If paying attention and not throwing all your cards on the table right from the start of a relationship, you could save yourself some heartache.

What are some of these red flags you could be looking for? There are many but I will list below a few signs to help guide you. If you see one , it doesn’t mean someone is a narcissist . They may be narcissistic and we all have some of the traits. Pay attention to see if there is a pattern.

1.) Always late:
This shows entitlement, superiority, lack of empathy.

2.)Isn’t close with their family nor talks about them much.

3:)Doesn’t have close friends or any that are long standing. May have serious problems with interpersonal relationships with a lack of awareness they have been the problem. Acts like a victim.

4:) Mirrors everything you like or do. May have identity issues and therefore mimics you or tries to enmesh by wanting to do everything with you or that you do.

5.) Incessantly texts, calls, shows up at your house or work uninvited.
Acts jealous about you with others, your accomplishments, always has to one up you.

6.) Seems to rush the relationship. Wants to sleep over every night, move in right away, says I love you quickly, talks of marriage to soon.

7.)Tries to take over your finances , doesn’t want you hanging out with your friends or family, wants you to quit your job and be with them, acts sick all the time so you will cater to them.

8.) Can’t keep a job , moves within jobs often, can’t seem to work with others, talks bad about the people they work with constantly, never seems to have money, or the opposite and over the top extravagant early on.

9.) Talks bad about their ex all the time especially when you are just getting to know them.

10) Likes to gossip about others but pretends to like them to their face.

11.) Seems to always have chaos in their life.

12.) Doesn’t respect your boundaries yet has high expectations of you.

13.) Rude to wait staff, poor tipper, and or flirts with wait staff.

14.) Tells you not to call except for certain hours (may lie and say because of work), Doesn’t give you their number, has more than one phone. Doesn’t answer your calls.

15.) Doesn’t introduce you to their friends , take you out in public, only calls you late night, rushes sex, sends sex texts early on, asks for nude photos, if they run into someone they know with you, they don’t introduce you.

16) Inconsistent

17.) Acts like they told you something they didn’t .

18.) Speaks in circles where they don’t make sense. You are left confused .

19.) Forgets to call or show up when they said they would.

20.) Walks Ahead of you

21) Bad with money but pretends to be successful. In debt but portrays themselves as well off.

22) Changes their identity often. (You may hear this from others)

23) Says they are only seeing you but still on dating sites.

24) Know it all, condescending , puts you down In a joking manner and then says, “Just Kidding.”

25) They show signs of lack of empathy. ( A family member passes, they say, “get over it they are in a better place. “
Laughs at things that aren’t funny (inappropriate)

26) They try to talk you into something that makes you feel uncomfortable.

27) They only consider their time and not yours. It’s all about them and their needs. They don’t consider yours.

28) You feel anxiety with them around and (or )when they aren’t around.

29) Their ex contacts you to warn you, they call them crazy and insanely jealous.

30.) They think they are above the law.
They are superior and won’t get caught. Has magical thinking , sees people as good or bad.

It is best we take our time when dating and really get to know someone. Rushing means we can miss things and a narcissist expects this. They rush things with the idealization phase hoping to love bomb you enough to bond you to them. They know you are loyal and believe in love. They know once you invest enough it will be harder for you to leave. They exploit your good nature (traits)and vulnerabilities.

If you don’t rush into a relationship, you may see consistent signs of a healthy partner or a person that is chaotic and deceitful . If you see patterns of their behavior that leave you questioning , anxiety ridden, and searching for answers, it’s best to reconsider the relationship.

If you create Boundaries and they repeatedly ignore them that is a huge Red Flag.

Not jumping into a relationship after ending one is also a healthy way to heal and tend to your own needs. Needing others to validate our sense of worth puts you in a vulnerable place. It’s better to be alone and getting to know yourself, than in a relationship where you feel alone and lose yourself.

Narcissists are master manipulators as they watch and learn how others are feeling. They use that to their advantage. They can’t relate to your feelings but that can mimic what it looks like.

Online dating sites are a place narcissist love to play. They can find out so much about you through your profile and pretend to be whomever they want. If they try to rush you into meeting them right away without getting to know much about them first , RED FLAG….

Be careful . I know it’s scary as you don’t want to get hurt again. If you create boundaries, know your worth, and don’t give away so much of yourself to soon, you can possibly avoid these types of relationships.

You will attract narcissists with your good traits always but if you hold strong boundaries, they will move on quickly realizing you are not easily controlled and manipulated.

Anyone can fall prey to these types of people . They are masters at their manipulations. Don’t judge harshly those who were conned as it could be you next, if you aren’t aware.

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