The dancing music box

I once came upon a dancing statue. I peered at the two dancing as if they were my true love and I.  As I watched the statue dance round and round I imagined them happy. I could feel the joy as if it was oozing from this piece of art. How I look at things in a way that is so delightful at times. This is something I like about myself. It is like dreaming but it is a wonderful feeling and although strange to some is the child inside me looking toward my future. A future with my partner full of happy times that include a dance like this.

It was like looking at a huge music box of sorts. I was amazed and delighted in thinking about how the artist must have been feeling when making this piece of magical art. Did they feel like I or think like myself. I imagined them as a dreamer, one full of joy and love.

I enjoy thinking back to this time as it felt peaceful. I had feelings someone out there understood what I feel in moments of thinking about my true love. I wondered if the person I loved would have the same impression as I or if they would just see it inside of me.

Art is a way of expressing oneself and I am drawn to pieces like this. It is magestical and a masterpiece to wonder upon. I call it the dancing music box even though it has its own name.  It is a wonderful memory I visit often in my minds eye.

The dancing music box.

Twin Flame

I once saw a statue in an art museum that struck me. It was two people that appeared to be holding each other by wrapping their bodies together. I called it pretzeling.

I was engrossed In this piece of art and only wished I could afford such a masterpiece to have delivered to my home. It was simply stunning to my eye and I began to think of him. The one I have loved.

One night I was searching online for even a photo or painting of it as I desperately wanted something like it in my home. I was drawn to it and I wanted to find it replicated or something similar.

While searching I came across something called, Twin Flames. I was amazed by the art and once again had the same intense feelings I had when staring at the art piece in that gallery.

Curious, I searched for what a twin flame is. I was drawn to my screen with glued attention to the words I read. How exciting that I happened chanced upon something so compelling.

It must be that I was suppose to find this. I just believed it to be true as I am such a hopeless romantic. Two souls only to one day come back together as one. Two people with separate lessons to learn and yet share together to be whole one day. How beautiful this seemed to be.

Was I just a silly person to believe in such a tale or is possible it could be true? I wanted to believe it was true as I knew and know true love does exist.

Is it possible my twin flame and I were learning from one another through mirroring experiences? Were we gaining different knowledge from the experiences to bring back to one another? Is this why we kept returning back to each other only to find we had more lessons to go through?

My heart was full having something so romantic to believe in. It gave me strength in times I needed more. I found myself praying even for my twin flame. Was this my empathy pouring out or was this my cognitive dissonance playing with me? Maybe both?

Overtime , I was so hurt, bruised and confused I closed my heart to the thought of such a thing. No longer did I feel the romance. I felt only pain and it was to great. I couldn’t see past the tears that welled in my eyes each and every morning as I woke or at night when it was time for bed.

I didn’t have the energy to believe because he was off finding himself . I felt I knew myself until now. I was a broken shell of who I thought I knew. I was now lost.

Time would pass and as it did I found myself praying and gaining strength to pull myself from the covers that hid me. I arose out of bed with a new sense of self as I had laid there so long looking over my life and understanding myself more. The clarity I received helped me understand and as I did I understood him more.

I looked again at the images of my twin. It was easier and I was able to smile. 1111 I would say aloud. “I see you everywhere, I feel you and I sometimes hear your thoughts. I believe. I still believe.” I would quietly say aloud.

Does this halt me from healing from pain I have endured or does it give me hope? Hope is the last thing to go. I have enough for eternity. I prayed long and hard you see? It is God who lent this gift to me that is gifted to him if he wishes to have it. God used us both to find faith, love, hope and joy. Does it matter how it was presented for us to see? He gave me strength, wisdom and grace to love myself more through trying times but to never lose love even for those who hurt me. Is that weak? I dare say not. It is God working through myself and others like me to bring the light to those who feel darkness. To believe . Yes, there are angels and yes, God hears us all. Are we paying attention? Our answers may come in a way we didn’t expect. He is listening, Are we?The burning bush may have been in the form of a twin flame for me so don’t judge what you can’t understand. Instead pay attention as Miracles are happening if you are willing to see.

When I open my eyes there are no more tears. I see brightness, feel instant joyfulness and look forward to even my dreams at night. I know we are reminded in our own way of the bond and lessons shared. Has he seen through my eyes, my thoughts, and my expressions what it is God wishes for him to not only see but to accept so that he may then feel to heal? I wonder.

Eleven-eleven the number of Angels.

I wear this number around my neck as a reminder.

Twin candle